Introducing ... the Dos Pueblos Jazz Choir!
Congratulations! You have found your way to an amazing site which will be home to all sorts of information on the Dos Pueblos Jazz Choir. We are actually three choirs in all, but one big family.
The first choir is Mixed Choir, beginner students who are eager to learn music history, music theory, and how to sing together, gaining a sense of unity and passion for choir.
The second choir is A cappella, more intermediate students who have a larger grasp on music theory and are more experienced, open to more responsibilities and challenges.
The third choir is the Advanced Jazz Choir, mainly upperclassmen who are willing to work very hard in learning music, performing constantly, and gaining lots of experience and responsibility.
All of these choirs are expertly directed by Courtney Anderson, a DP graduate herself. Her students affectionately call her Ms. C and occasionally Mama C, as her personality fosters as strong bond with her students.
All choir students work very hard as choir is a team sport. A favorite quote of Ms. C's and an unofficial choir motto is, "You can get an 'A' in your math, english, or health class and the person next to you can fail. But in order to be successful in choir, everyone around you must be successful too". This quote inspires us to work hard and love what we do, knowing that responsibility and determination will help us go far.